While the RM is home to many helpful and beneficial plants and animals, the RM is also home to invasive species and nuisance animals. If you have any questions about the information below, please contact the RM Office.
Wildlife & Pest Control
Domestic Dogs
The RM’s Animal Control Bylaw prohibits dogs from running at-large within the RM. If you find a loose or lost dog you can deliver the animal to the Weyburn Humane Society, where it will be impounded. The owner, if found will be responsible to pay all costs associated. If unclaimed, the it will be at the discretion of the Humane Society.
If you find a violent or aggressive dog, do not approach it, Instead call 911.
Coyotes can be found in any open space, parks, neighbourhoods, and even within commercial areas. The possibility to encounter a coyote increases while they are protecting their pups or searching for an alternative food source.
To keep yourself and your pets safe, please follow the safety tips:
- Do not feed the coyotes – coyotes are attracted by food, when they find a viable source they are likely to return and set up dens nearby.
- Keep your pets safe – coyotes are likely to see domestic dogs and cats as pests. To keep your pets safe, do not leave your pets unattended, bring them indoors or leave them in a completely enclosed run, especially at night. Do not assume a fence will keep a coyote out of your yard.
- Stay Aware – if there is a coyote in the area, do not leave your children unsupervised. Coyotes are unlikely to attack adults, however children are less likely to scare a coyote away. When walking outside, bring noise makers, such as a whistle or horn. If you encounter a coyote yell, clap, whistle and make yourself look large. Whatever you do, do not run, turn your back, or let a coyote get between yourself and your pet or child.
Richardson Ground Squirrel
In March 2021, Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Health Canada banned the use of strychnine in controlling the Richardson Ground Squirrel (ie. gopher) populations. As a result of this ban, rural residents must use alternative products.
Currently the RM of Weyburn offers Rozol as an alternative to rural ratepayers.
If you have previously used strychnine and are interest in an alternative option, or have an infestation and would like assistance, please contact the RM Office.
Rats & Mice
The RM contracts a Pest Control Officer to conduct site inspections within the municipality. Typically the inspections happen in the Spring & Fall.
If you are an agricultural operation or rural resident of the municipality, you may be able to receive bait from the municipality at no charge. When you receive the bait you will be required to agree to the following conditions:
- bait cannot be applied in residential areas
- bait must be used only on property owned or leased by the person obtaining the bait; and
- landowners must sign an acknowledgment for the amount of bait received.
Invasive Plant Species
Clubroot is a soil-borne disease affecting canola and vegetables. Clubroot affects canola yield and quality and its impacts on dependents on soil conditions and growth stage of the crop when infection occurs.
Clubroot is declared a pest in Saskatchewan under the Pest Control Act and should be treated as soon as it is noticed.
Leafy Spurge
This invasive plant takes over areas; the milky liquid from its stems and flowers is an irritant to most livestock and may cause severe skin rashes or irritation to humans.
The RM contracts Weed Sprayers to spray approved products to control the infestations of Leafy Spurge along the municipal roadways and along main water sources.