This page is geared towards current subscribers of the Weyburn Utility Board to provide as much information and keep their users informed and educated.
The Weyburn Utility Board has been educated on the SaskAlert App which provides updates on various emergencies thought the province. The Weyburn Utility Board urges all users to download the Free App from their App Store by searching “SaskAlert” or “Emergency Alerts Saskatchewan”. Below are a set of instructions once you have downloaded the App and instructions on how to refine your alert area.
In the event of a Drinking Water Advisory the Weyburn Utility Board has provided a step-by-step guide for users. The Weyburn Utility Board urges people to carefully read the instructions as some steps may not pertain to them and if they have any questions to contact the Utility Board. It is important to follow the steps after an Emergency Boil Water Order (EBWO) or Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory (PDWA) have been lifted as if the steps are not completed, unsafe water may remain in your plumbing system.