**NOTE: Weyburn Utility Board information is included on the R.M. of Weyburn No. 67 website, however, they are their own separate entity and have their own board and members.
Contact Information
Division 1 Representative (Chair): Heather Hala |
306-848-0030 |
Division 2 Representative: Ryan Maloney |
306-842-6060 ext. 2500 |
Division 3 Representative: Rob Johnston |
306-861-7601 |
Division 4 Representative: Garnet Hansen |
306-842-6748 |
Division 5 Representative: Dennis Mainil |
306-842-5412 |
Division 6 Representative: Dale Labatte |
306-861-6607 |
Member at Large: |
Emergency Contact:
Cell: 306-891-9711
Email: wub@sasktel.net
Jenna Smolinski
Phone: 306-842-4428
Email: wub@sasktel.net
Don’s Plumbing & Heating
715 Railway Avenue
Weyburn, SK
S4H 0B1
Phone: 306-842-4222