The Water Security Agency and the Ministry of Environment requires that at least once each year waterworks owners provide notification to consumers of the quality of water produced and supplied as well as information on the performance of the waterworks in submitting samples as required by a Minister’s Order or Permit to Operate a waterworks. The following is a summary of the Weyburn Utility Board’s 4 Rural Water Pipelines water quality and sample submission compliance record for the January – December 2018 time period. This report was completed on June 1, 2018 (must be completed before June 30 each year on a calendar year based reporting frequency). Readers should refer to Water Security Agency’s Municipal Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Guidelines, November 2002, EPB 202 for more information on minimum sample submission requirements and the meaning of type of sample. Permit requirements for a specific waterworks may require more sampling than outlined in the department’s monitoring guidelines.

Each year the Weyburn Utility Board is required to have a Water Works Inspection from Water Security Agency. Below is a copy of the report.

Management is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the accompanying financial statements, including responsibility for significant accounting judgments and estimates in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. This responsibility includes selecting appropriate accounting principles and methods, and making decisions affecting the measurement of transactions in which objective judgment is required.