Official Community Plan & Zoning Bylaw | Development Permit | Building Permit | Move/Demo | Approaches | Sub Division Info | Realtor Information | FAQ

Official Community Plan & Zoning Bylaw

RM Of Weyburn’s Official Community Plan (OCP) & Zoning Bylaw with their appendix.

These documents were created to guide & regulate development within the RM of Weyburn and have been amended from time to time. Below are the consolidated most current versions of the documents. 

Before commencing any development, please ensure you have approval and permits in place and allow for enough time for your project.

A Development Permit: A permit required under the RM’s Zoning Bylaw. 


A Development Permit outlines what uses are allowed on a site and how those uses fit within the zoning regulations and requirements. 

Acquiring a Development Permit is the first step for all projects that alter or affect your property. 

A Building Permit: A permit under the RM’s Building Bylaw and mandated by the National Building Code of Canada. 


A building permit ensures that all new buildings, alterations, changes to building use all meet national safety standards. 

Professional Building Inspectors (PBI) require additional forms to be completed for specific projects.

If you intend on demolishing a building, please ensure you are following the Provincial Regulations related to disposal of all materials, and clean up any hazards on the site. The onus is on the landowner to adhere to these regulations.

If a building is moved or demolished, notify the RM office in order to ensure the property is being assessed accurately in future years. 

If you have any questions please come into the office, or contact us via email or phone.

If you are planning to build an approach to access your property from an RM road you must apply to the RM before doing so.

This application can be picked up at the RM office or printed off using the link below.

Approach Applicaion – RM of Weyburn No. 67 (2023)

Subdivision Information

Subdivision is the process in which a parcel of land is divided into two or more parcels, in order to obtain separate legal titles for each parcel. 

The Community Planning Branch of Ministry of Government Relations is the Approving Authority for subdividing land within the Rural Municipality. 

Please note this is a general list of requirements and steps for development proposals which may or may not be required.

This list has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various codes, regulations or bylaws currently in effect.


  1. Come into the RM Office and discuss plans – preliminary drawings are highly recommended for review & discussion – if required/requested preliminary information can be taken to council for comments.
  2. Consult a Land Surveyor.
  3. Submit Application to Community Planning – this can take up to 90+ days to approve based on comments received from referral agents and RM & any additional requirements.
  4. Community Planning review applications and sends out referral letters
  5. Once the RM receives the letter – the application is reviewed – comments are provided and the application is taken to the next scheduled council meeting.
  6. Discretionary Use Application – if required & payment of fees.
  7. Re-Zoning Request – if required & payment of fees.
  8. Await decision of Discretionary Use & Re-Zoning.
  9. The RM requires comments from the Health Region, Water Security Agency (WSA) and any other referral agents found necessary prior to issuing a decision.
  10. Once there are no outstanding matters – council may approve the subdivision at the next scheduled meeting subject to the signing of the Servicing Agreement & Payment of fees.
  11. The Landowner/Developer/Agent review the servicing Agreement – if no concerns the agreement is signed and sealed and payment of fees is required prior to sending an approval back to Community Planning.


Fees Associated with Subdividing in the RM

These are possible costs of subdividing and they may differ based on the proposed subdivision:

  • Development Permit Fee
    • Permitted Use – $50.00
    • Discretionary Use – $250.00
  • Re-Zoning Fee
    • $250.00 for first lot PLUS $50.00 for each additional lot
    • Advertising Costs
  • Servicing Agreement Fees
    • Residential
      • $1000.00 / parcel (single lot development)
      • $1500.00 / parcel (multi-lot development)
    • Commercial
      • $2000.00 / parcel (single lot development)
      • $3000.00 / parcel (multi-lot development)
  • Municipal Reserve – calculated at 10% of the land value per acre
    • $1000.00 for residential land
    • $2000.00 for non-residential land
    • A minimum amount of $500.00 is required
  • ISC Servicing Agreement Registration Fee – if required

Additional Fees To Consider

  • Drawing/Surveying Plan of Proposed Subdivision
  • Application for Subdivision – Community Planning
  • Legal & ISC fees for creation & registration of new titles
  • Costs for drainage plans, building elevations, road construction, hydro-logical studies, etc. – where required
  • Deposit for Weyburn Utility Board services – if required


If you are planning to build an approach to access your property from an RM road you must apply to the RM before doing so.

This application can be picked up at the RM office or printed off using the link below.

Approach Applicaion – RM of Weyburn No. 67 (2023)

The link below is to our Building Inspectors permit information. If you are unsure of the forms that are required to be filled out please contact the R.M. Office to discuss.

Realtor Information (buying or selling)

The RM is encouraging realtors to continue to use our information form when properties are listed within the municipality to notify prospective purchasers.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns or additions please feel free to contact the RM Office.


By Mail or at the Office:
RM Weyburn No. 67
1633 1st Ave. NE
Weyburn, SK
S4H 3E7



Frequently Asked Questions

  • Development Permit is valid for twelve (12) months unless otherwise stipulated
  • If the use has been discontinued for a period of more than twelve (12) consecutive months.
  • Building Permits expire 6 months from the date issued if work has not commenced or if work is suspended for 6 months.
  • Building Bylaw – Section 5(11)
  • If you require an extension for your permit, you will be required to write a letter to council outlining aspects of the project that have been completed and what is remaining giving an estimated timeline and target completion date.


  • A Building Permit IS required for a deck if the height at any point is above 2 feet from ground level.
  • Building Permits are NOT typically required for accessory buildings (garden sheds, tool sheds, etc.) under 10m square (approx.105 square feet).
  • Typically no permit is required for cosmetic upgrades such as painting or flooring which do NOT affect the structural or life safety.
  • First Reading
    If the application complies with all policy requirements and Council feels it has merit, they will pass a motion to support the rezoning application including a condition of approval to receive Ministerial approval of the amending bylaw. They will give what is referred to as “First Reading” to the bylaw in order to begin the required public notification and public hearing process.
  • Advertising
    After First Reading to the bylaw is given, an advertisement indicating the reason for amendment, the affected land and the date of the public hearing, is placed in a local newspaper for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the next Council meeting.
  • Public Hearing
    At the public hearing, during regularly scheduled R.M. Council meetings, the public has an opportunity to speak for or against the proposed bylaw and any written comments on the bylaw received by the date indicated in the advertising notice will be included.
  • Decision of Council
    After the public hearing has closed, Council may give Second and Third Readings to the bylaw which would support the rezoning application, or they may defeat the proposed bylaw denying the application for rezoning.