Rural Municipality of Weyburn No. 67
Bylaw No. 2-2024
Public Notice is hereby given, pursuant to The Planning and Development Act, 2007 (PDA) that the Rural Municipality of Weyburn No. 67 (RM) intends to adopt Bylaw No. 2-2024, a bylaw to adopt a new Official Community Plan (OCP).
The OCP outlines the municipal goals, objectives and policies for future land use in the RM and includes local land use policies to assist decision makers in achieving the vision consistent with the provincial land use planning framework. Policies include but not limited to, general land use, economic development, public works, management of hazard and environmentally sensitive lands, source water protection, regional planning and coordination land use with adjacent municipalities.
The affected land is described as all lands located within the jurisdiction of the RM.
Examination of Bylaws
Any interested person may inspect the Bylaw at the RM office at 1633 1st Ave NE in Weyburn, Monday to Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Copies of the bylaw are available at cost. In addition, the Bylaw, can be found on our website at
Public Hearing
Council will be holding a public hearing on June 27, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. in the R.M. Council Chambers, 1633 1st Ave NE. in Weyburn, to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the public hearing or delivered at the municipal office before the Public Hearing.
Should you have questions or wish to discuss the Bylaw, please contact Candice Nixon, Development Officer, at 306-842-2314.
Issued at Weyburn, Saskatchewan, this 15th day of May, 2024.
Jenna Smolinski, Administrator