- Development Permit is valid for twelve (12) months unless otherwise stipulated
- If the use has been discontinued for a period of more than twelve (12) consecutive months.
- Building Permits expire 6 months from the date issued if work has not commenced or if work is suspended for 6 months.
- Building Bylaw – Section 5(11)
- If you require an extension for your permit, you will be required to write a letter to council outlining aspects of the project that have been completed and what is remaining giving an estimated timeline and target completion date.
- If you require an extension for your permit, you will be required to write a letter to council outlining aspects of the project that have been completed and what is remaining giving an estimated timeline and target completion date.
- A Building Permit IS required for a deck if the height at any point is above 2 feet from ground level.
- Building Permits are NOT typically required for accessory buildings (garden sheds, tool sheds, etc.) under 10m square (approx.105 square feet).
- Typically no permit is required for cosmetic upgrades such as painting or flooring which do NOT affect the structural or life safety.
- First Reading
If the application complies with all policy requirements and Council feels it has merit, they will pass a motion to support the rezoning application including a condition of approval to receive Ministerial approval of the amending bylaw. They will give what is referred to as “First Reading” to the bylaw in order to begin the required public notification and public hearing process. - Advertising
After First Reading to the bylaw is given, an advertisement indicating the reason for amendment, the affected land and the date of the public hearing, is placed in a local newspaper for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the next Council meeting. - Public Hearing
At the public hearing, during regularly scheduled R.M. Council meetings, the public has an opportunity to speak for or against the proposed bylaw and any written comments on the bylaw received by the date indicated in the advertising notice will be included. - Decision of Council
After the public hearing has closed, Council may give Second and Third Readings to the bylaw which would support the rezoning application, or they may defeat the proposed bylaw denying the application for rezoning.